State of the Game

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State of the Game

Apr 20, 2014

Things are progressing well. We are targeting delivery of the PDF by GenCon with print to follow. We are currently editing the manuscript, have received most of the art, and all of the maps. We are sharing much of the pre-final materials to the Kickstarter Backers for now, but nothing public to share. 
Origins 2013
Origins was a great time. We ran 3 Narosia events, and introduced the game to many new players. It is exciting to see the final version of the game in play and to not run into any rules hiccups.
GenCon 2013
We also have 3 Narosia events for GenCon, so join us if you can. Additionally, Shane Harsch will be competing in the Iron GM competition. The plan is to put a Narosia spin on things, but we’ll see. 
Future Cons
Grand Con, Metatopia, and U*Con are on the horizon. Grand Con is new this year and U*Con is having it’s 25th anniversary. Go U*Con!