Tabletop Forge Kickstarter

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Tabletop Forge Kickstarter

Apr 20, 2014

Tabletop Forge is a great tool for online play. The reason for the kickstarter is the team wants to add some professional polish to the whole project, art, code, and much more. I have seen many tools like this over the years, and have run many games in all of them. I think this project represents the evolution of the technology and integrates chat, audio, video, macros, dice, maps, and much more in a way that is truly unique.

So, if you have a little cash to spare and imagine this is a tool that you could use in the future, throw a little backing at it. If you look closely, the $60 backer level for Tabletop Forge you can opt for me to run a one shot Narosia adventure for you and your friends. I think this tool is going to be a great way to play games, and the Hero dice (BODY, STUN) will be integrated. It should be a great time. So, back this great project and if you are up for an online game with me back the project at the Elven Longsword level.

Game on!