Wintercon & BASHCon Review

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Wintercon & BASHCon Review

Apr 20, 2014

Wintercon went well. For RPGs it seemed that only Pathfinder Society stuff was getting played. I had all but wrapped up my Fallout event, thinking it was going to be a no show, when a scheduling snafu apparently had me starting an hour later than I thought. Player’s showed and I had a full table for Fallout and it was a blast. I am really glad I stayed. 
As for next year, I don’t know. I definitely will attend but I’m not sure it is a great con to try and run anything beyond the mass market (says the man running a Fallout event). I probably will run another Fallout event (even have the next one written up). We’ll see. 
BASHCon I didn’t attend unfortunately. It was over Presidents’ Day weekend and that is prime family vacation. I hope everyone that went had a good time. Maybe next year.