Computer Hacking & Cyber Infiltration Hotsheet

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Computer Hacking & Cyber Infiltration Hotsheet

Jan 11, 2017

Shane attends Metatopia by
Double Exposure every year and in 2014 started a talk track about 
Computer Hacking in Games
. Clark Valentine and Tim Rodriguez joined in as Shane kicked it off with a 15 min
 on some of the high-level basics of the attack lifecycle. The goal was to establish some vocabulary and also demonstrate that the Gibsonian hacking model used by many cyberpunk games is, by and large, no longer a very good model (if it ever was). Clark and Tim helped me explore this topic, and we had great audience participation.

At the end of this 2014 session Shane committed to creating a Cyber Infiltration Hotsheet in 2015 to help GMs plan, at least conceptually, what a target profile might look like. 

In 2015 this session did happen, with Tim Rodriguez of Brooklyn Indie Games reprising his role on the panel and this time adding Green Hat Designs‘ own Mark Richardson, author of 
to the panel as well. Shane kicked it off again with a discussion of the most significant aspects of a target’s profile and a resulting “hotsheet” for use in recording this profile for your games. This is a bit of insight into some of the work being done on cyber infiltration for 

Below are links to recordings of the sessions as well as copies of the presentations. 

Computer Hacking in Games (Metatopia 2014) Recording
Cyber Infiltration Hotsheet (Metatopia 2015) Recording