NOVA6 Open Beta is Here!

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NOVA6 Open Beta is Here!

Jun 23, 2017

We are super excited to share this with the community. We still have plenty of work to do, but the core rules are now publicly available.

    For detailed information, visit our
NOVA6 page

What’s Next?

While we respond to beta feedback, we will be working on:
  • Sorcery and Steel. This will be the splatbook for traditional fantasy and magic. 
  • Novapunk. This will be the splatbook for cyberpunk gaming.
  • Investigative Horror. This will be the splatbook for horror and suspense.
  • Atomic Sky. Retrofuture dieselpunk adventures in an atomic wasteland. 
  • Mercurial: Delvers of Azoth. A setting book of 14th century post-apocalyptic dungeonpunk in the magical wastes of the middle east.
  • The Valiant and the Vile. Superpowered roleplaying—NOVA6 style. 
  • Narosia: Sea of Tears. A setting book using Sorcery and Steel. This will be a conversion and a revision of our previously published Narosia game
  • Village of Gillkas. A location-based sandbox adventure for Narosia and Sorcery and Steel. 
  • And of course getting ready for the Kickstarter.

Why Did We Do This?

Well, as veteran gamers we fall back on a certain play style and seek games that match that style. When we looked around the market we didn’t see anything that aligned with our preferences, at least not entirely. The market has also changed since we started gaming a “few” years ago, and many of our go-to games weren’t finding as big an audience as they once did. 
we created a new game, although not entirely new—clearly the core of the game is Fate (which has its own provenance). We have diverged enough that it is a different animal, with different behaviors and strengths. However, we didn’t create it for creation’s sake. 
    We want to see our favorite genres represented in the game.
We can’t write them all, as much as we would love to. Now that we have established a gaming engine that plays the way we want, we will be looking to commission all sorts of content. 

If you really want to find out what Shane was thinking, Oneshot Podcast has an interview that you might find interesting. It’s about an hour long, and will definitely give you some insights into the journey. Huge thanks to James Mcclure for affording us the opportunity to talk about our vision. 

Call for Writers is Coming

We aren’t quite ready yet, but we will be making a call for writers. Our goal with all of the subjects in
What’s Next, as well as future products, is to keep our word counts to 20K words, or 40K at the most. We will be looking for 32-64 page splatbooks on key topics. 
    Additional things we are thinking about: Bestiary, Sci-fi/Space Opera, Modern Heist/Infiltration, and Supernatural. We are also interested in stand-alone adventures that maybe introduce a new rule or feature. 
   Our plan is to solicit ideas and outlines for these and any other cool ideas. If we approve them, we would then contract with the author to write it and we would take over its production. 
   Like we said, we want to see people creating cool stuff that we can play
our way. 

That’s all for now. If you want to join us in this endeavor, grab a copy of the rules and hope on over to our
Google+ community. We can’t wait to hear your feedback.