Marmalade Dog 17

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Marmalade Dog 17

Apr 20, 2014

Great games yesterday. I ran Half-Life 2: Escape from City 17, plus Fantasy Hero Quick Start: Expedition to Dunwater Keep. I also got to play a little Dresden Files which was a good time. 

HL2 ran very well, with 2 veteran HL players and 3 others who had never played the video game. The 2 HL veterans played Father Grigori and the Vortigaunt. Father Grigori was outstanding: russian accent, crazed references to his “flock”, and generally unpredictable. 4 hours is a little short to run that adventure – 5 hours would have finished it off nicely, but great fun was had.
FHQS was also a blast. This group took a slightly different approach and had no heavy spellcasters in the group. The new
layout of the materials is also a success and feedback was very positive. I’m very pleased with how well this ran and how easily they created characters.