

Advantages: +10 Navigation skill, +20 Pilot: Spacecraft skill, +10 Networking: [Field] skill of your choice
Disadvantages: None
Common Morphs: All, especially Bouncers and Hibernoids

Fall Evacuee

Advantages: +10 Pilot: Groundcraft skill, +10 Networking: [Field] skill of your choice, +1 Moxie
Disadvantages: Only 2,500 Starting Credit (can still buy credit with CP)
Common Morphs: Flats, Splicers


Advantages: +10 Protocol skill, +10,000 Credit, +20 Networking: Hypercorps skill
Disadvantages: May not start with flat, splicer, or any pod, uplift, or synthetic morphs
Common Morphs: Exalts, Sylphs


Advantages: +30 Interfacing skill, Computer skills (Infosec, Interfacing, Programming, Research) bought with Customization Points are half price
Disadvantages: Real World Naiveté trait, Social Stigma (AGI) trait, may not purchase Psi trait, Social skills bought with Customization Points are double price
Common Morphs: Infomorphs, synthetic morphs


Advantages: +20 to two skills of your choice
Disadvantages: –10 starting Rep
Common Morphs: All


Advantages: +20 to two Knowledge skills of your choice, Psi trait
Disadvantages: Mental Disorder (choose two) trait, Social Stigma (Lost) trait, must start with Futura morph
Common Morphs: Futuras

Lunar Colonist

Advantages: +10 Pilot: Groundcraft skill, +10 to one Technical, Academic: [Field], or Profession: [Field] skill of your choice, +20 Networking: Hypercorps skill
Disadvantages: None
Common Morphs: Flats, Splicers


Advantages: +10 Pilot: Groundcraft skill, +10 to one Technical, Academic: [Field], or Profession: [Field] skill of your choice, +20 Networking: Hypercorps skill
Disadvantages: None
Common Morphs: Flats, Splicers, and Rusters

Original Space Colonist

Advantages: +10 Pilot: Spacecraft or Freefall skill, +10 to a Technical, Academic: [Field], or Profession: [Field] skill of your choice, +20 to a Networking: [Field] skill of your choice
Disadvantages: None
Common Morphs: All. Use of exotic morphs is common.


Advantages: +10 Pilot: Groundcraft skill, +10 to a Networking: [Field] skill of your choice, +2 Moxie
Disadvantages: Edited Memories trait, 0 Starting Credit (can still buy credit with CP)
Common Morphs: Cases, Infomorphs, Synths


Advantages: +10 Persuasion or Deception skill, +10 Scrounging skill, +20 Networking: Autonomists skill
Disadvantages: None
Common Morphs: All, especially Bouncers


Advantages: +10 Fray skill, +10 Perception skill, +20 to two Knowledge skills of your choice
Disadvantages: Must choose an uplift morph to start
Common Morphs: Neo-Avian, Neo-Hominid, Octomorph