05 – Races

  1. 1 The Nine Races
  2. 2 ATLAN
  4. 4 ELORI
    1. 4.1 Elliya
    2. 4.2 Faelariya
    3. 4.3 Loriya
  5. 5 SCYTHAA
  6. 6 TSVERG
    1. 7.1 KBLEEN
    2. 7.2 NEWARDIN
    3. 7.3 OROG
    4. 7.4 TSAAL

There are eleven distinct races living in the Sea of Tears basin, divided into two groups. The first are the native Enari, consisting of the drothmal, elliya, faelariya, loriya, scythaa, tsaals, and tsvergs. These races were created by the Enaros and are the original inhabitants of Narosia. The second group is the non-native Enari, consisting of the atlan, kbleen, newardin, and orogs. These races came to Narosia from a distant world via arcane gateways, only to find themselves stranded on Narosia after a cataclysmic disaster destroyed their gates.

The Nine Races

Some Narosian scholars argue that there are only nine races in the Sea of Tears basin. They believe that it is incorrect to differentiate the elliya, loriya, and faelariya as distinct races since they are really just subtypes of the elori race. Some scholars even want to consider the tsaals and tsvergs subtypes of the tsvergaal race reducing the number of races to eight. While these arguments have merit, for the purpose of presenting the races each of the primary elori races, the tsvergs, and the tsaals are given their own entries.


While each race has its specific formal name, in common speech they are often replaced by their atlan vernaculars.

Atlan: man, human

Drothmal: n/a (you tell a drothmal he’s something else)

Elliya: elf

Faelariya: pixie

Kbleen: goblin

Loriya: elfling

Newardin: wardeen

Orog: ogre

Scythaa: lizardman

Tsaal: hillkin

Tsverg: dwarf

The atlan are an adaptable race not native to Narosia. They came to Narosia over 900 years ago via massive arcane gates, bringing with them communities of newardin, kbleen, and the orogs. Their arrival signaled the beginning of the Great War and the power of their empire ended the Age of Darkness. Sadly, the Atlan Empire rebuilt civilization only to see it shattered in the Cataclysm. Still they persevered and have once again restored civilization to Narosia, working now with all races and cultures to rebuild their new home. Atlan are found everywhere in Narosia.


The drothmal are a powerful race believed to be the children of the Enaros, specifically of Droth and Vale. They are tall and strong, and regardless of culture are often warriors or physical laborers. Most drothmal are from the Icewalker culture of the Icebound plains, or are Outlanders living in the Wilderland.


Of all the races of Narosia, the Elori are the most closely tied to the power of magic. Every aspect of their existence is shaped by essence, from their view of life and death, to the things that bring them happiness. Using essence is as natural to them as breathing and they remain a wonder, even among Narosians. Once the preeminent race of Narosia, today they live a simple existence, hidden away in deep forest glens and high mountain valleys. The elori race is endlessly varied, and they are found in a bewildering array of shapes and sizes. The most common types, however, are the elliya, faelariya, and loriya. Each Elori shares one of many magical Elori traits, but no single trait is more common than any other.


Elegant and graceful, the elliya are the natural leaders of the Elori. While most Elori live in seclusion, the people of Narosia are more likely to meet an elliya than any other Elori.


The smallest of the Elori, faelariya are gossamer winged folk just short of a meter tall. They are curious and impulsive, and often overly dramatic.


Loriya are wild and unpredictable. They are often mistaken for elliyen children by those who do not know better. Their features are varied, in both color and shape, and they are nimble and quick, and difficult to deceive.


The scythaa are a reptilian people known for their agility, resilience, and leaping. Their homeland devastated during the Age of Darkness, becoming the desert known as the Scythaan Wastes, many wander the nations of Narosia, sharing their culture and their talents where they can, and keeping to themselves where they cannot. Nearly all scythaa are of the Wastelander culture, the only culture that retains some of their history and tradition from a time long since past.


Tsvergic emotions burn as hot as a blacksmith’s forge. A history of hardship and betrayal has made them tough, wary, and practical, but when their passions are aroused tsvergs act on the pure fire of emotion. Before the Age of Darkness the tsvergs made their homes in the vast underworld halls of the Deeplands, but today the majority of tsvergs live in the lands of Malador. Still, their hearts always long to return to their ancient homeland.


Narosia is home to many races of smaller populations than those listed above. People of these races have played critical roles in the history of Narosia but are far less common than the Atlan, Elori, and Tsverg that dominate the cultures of the Sea of Tears. These races are not detailed in this book but will be playable in future supplements.


Kbleens are clever negotiators, devious planners, and cunning adversaries. They are small, slight, and not particularly strong, but they are tenacious to a fault when it comes to anything with the potential for profit. Although they are vicious when bargaining, kbleens have likable personalities and make friends wherever they go.

Most of the kbleens on Narosia are from Port Nadir or the merchant states of Callios, although they are found almost everywhere. Kbleens tend to settle in ramshackle mazes of buildings known as kbleen neelydots. These hodge-podge mazes of buildings, one built literally on top of another, are usually tucked into the corners of existing porthoon (their word for non-kbleen) settlements.

Appearance: Kbleens have exaggerated features, including pronounced noses and chins, long ears that end in sharp points at the top, and overly large hands and feet. Their heads have a distinctive backward slope and they have oddly wide mouths. Kbleen hair is thick and wiry, and most male kbleens slick theirs back with heavy applications of scented oil. Kbleens wear whatever clothing is appropriate for the culture in which they currently reside, although they tend to choose the brightest colors and flashiest designs available in that style.


This race of enigmatic intellectuals operated the arcane gates that brought the Atlan Empire to Narosia. They value reason and knowledge above all other things and dislike anything that promotes disorder. The newardine have never accepted Narosia as their home and this underlying discomfort shapes their behavior and personalities. Little is known about the true home of the newardine, as all knowledge of it was lost after the cataclysm. Today, most newardine reside in the Newardin Isocracy, a land far to the southeast of the Sea of Tears, across the Sea of Swords. While they are isolationists and are strict about allowing outsiders within their borders, newardine merchants, explorers, and scholars are free to come and go as they please. Newardine living in the Sea of Tears for extended periods of time prefer to make their homes inside atlan communities. They build walled compounds called cels that are a micro-version of the Isocracy. Non-newardine are not allowed inside the cels except under special circumstances, a practice that keeps the newardine physically and socially separate from the rest of the community.

Appearance: Newardine are tall and thin, and compared to an atlan their limbs are overly long in proportion to their torso. They have three fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand, and four toes on each foot. Their faces look vaguely atlan, but their features are subdued almost to the point of non-existence. The exceptions are their eyes. These are overly large, solid black, and slightly almond shaped. Newardine of the noble rank sometimes have gold or silver flecks in their eyes. Newardine have smooth pale skin and no hair.


Orogs were brought to Narosia by the Atlan Empire to serve as the fist of the imperial military machine. These huge creatures are strong enough to withstand all but the most devastating injuries. They are hideous and dull-witted, but their physical strength more than makes up for these limitations. Like the other members of the Empire, the orogs were the native inhabitants of one of the worlds the Empire discovered in their explorations. Beyond this, little is known about the orogs’ homeland or history. Although most orogs were corrupted by Endroren during the early decades of the atlan colonization of Narosia, some resisted his call. The ancestors of these orogs still live among atlan today, serving almost exclusively as mercenaries. Orogs are so feared by the general populace that many orogs have given up on the civilized world altogether. These orogs live in small tribes deep in the wilds, far from the prejudices of civilization.

Appearance: Orogs look like giant, misshapen atlan. They have wide, down-turned mouths, small sunken eyes, and heavy brows. Their hair is thick and almost rope-like, growing in heavy patches all over their bodies. Additionally, their hands and feet are over-sized and their arms are disproportionately long.


Most tsaals reside in the Dalelands. Lying just to the east of the northern Dragontail Mountains, the Dalelands are an idyllic region of rolling hills, inviting woods, and rich farmland. Most tsaals live and die in the town where they were born and never travel more than a few miles from their home. Tsaal communities seldom grow into anything larger than a small town. The hectic pace of city life doesn’t appeal to them. The only true city in the Dalelands is Gelendor and half of its population is made up of non-tsaals.

Appearance: Tsaals are shorter than most atlan, standing just over five feet tall. They have curly hair and while males can grow facial hair, most tsaals shave daily. Their clothing depends on the occasion and ranges from simple tunics and pants to elaborate multi-piece outfits for special events. While the colors and cuts of tsaal clothing depend on the latest styles, they prefer deep earth tones over showier colors.