State of the Smiths

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State of the Smiths

Jan 22, 2015

Just a little update on Narosia from us folks over at Legendsmiths. We have gotten ourselves back on track and have revised timelines for the publication of Narosia: Sea of Tears. Since the start of the project many things have changed in the industry that caused us to question some of our approach and our overall goals with the project. 

Last September we completed the content for the game. Since that time we have been fighting to get back on everyone’s schedules to complete the publication and it has been a struggle. That is the danger of slipping on your production schedule — it can absolutely snowball, and it did. However, we have smashed that snowball and put everything back together and now we are back on track.
Our current estimate is PDF layout by end of January, back and forth with the printer end of February, and then off to print. Does that mean March for print product? Probably, at the earliest, but we will make the PDF available as soon as the proofs for print are finalized. Backers will have access to the pre-proof PDF as soon as we get it from layout. 
We aren’t entirely behind the curve however. But for the addition of Fel Essence and Corruption text, the iOS app is complete and we are waiting on an estimated timeline from my Android developer looking at the conversion. 
the cards are finished. For those of you unfamiliar with the project, the cards are used as a metagame mechanic to simulate divine intervention. We will make these for sale likely in February, the timing will align with the PDF as well as our next project. 
As the scope of this changed over the life and time of the project, we have too much content. The additional content will be made available online and incorporated into future projects. Speaking of….
We haven’t announced the start of our next Kickstarter, but we already have the majority of the content completed. We have learned a lot during this project, and we certainly have taken our lumps. But, we suck it up, drive on, and keep striving for our objectives anyway. One of the key changes we made is to diversify content creation now that we have established the core of what Narosia gameplay is about. We also have the resources to invest in getting this content produced prior to our final push for publication to ensure that we have everything as ready as possible before any funding initiatives. 
This next project has many different goals, but three of them are likely to interest Hero players the most. 
  1. A complete village/base of operations for your adventurers, including a multi-episode adventure that takes the players from dealing with a local threat to a regional one.
  2. A 5-7 session sequel to the introductory adventure that explores lost and forgotten deepland halls and provides the characters to add a critical resource to your campaign to be leveraged in future scenarios.
  3. The possible (via stretch goals) expansion of the setting, with additional spells, orisons, races, regions, and cultures. 
Even if you aren’t a Narosia fan, the adventures can be fit into any Fantasy Hero campaign. Even more exciting, if you are a fan of Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, Fate, or Savage Worlds, the adventures will be designed for those as well. We have some great authors lined up to work on those conversions if those goals are funded, which will increase your options for how you use the content. 
Narosia has three setting-level antagonists that these adventure engage with, and are very likely in your own campaigns. This axis of evil are sourced from: 
  1. A fallen god, Endroren, with his fiendish minions.
  2. Elemental evil known as the Fel and manifest by the undead.
  3. The Qliphothic, with its unknowable intent and as manifest in its demons and mutant voidspawn that stalk the ruins of the fallen empires of Narosia. 
As a demonstration of our commitment to our efforts, we have joined DoubleExposure’s
program. We will announce more on this when our term begins in March, and we will certainly be looking to arm its Heralds with all the content we can.
So, that’s it. We are excited. We have big things planned and we are looking forward to sharing them with you. 
– Shane Harsch