Legendsmiths Teaches DSR Fantasy Hero

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Legendsmiths Teaches DSR Fantasy Hero

Mar 10, 2015

Shane is going to spend a few hours tonight introducing Fantasy Hero to the great guys over at the 
Drink Spin Run podcast.
Join us tonight (or review the recorded link if after the event) to see what it is all about.
Fantasy Hero Complete has just been released and is a great way to get into the fun that is Fantasy Hero. 

We are going to be taking some of the pregen characters from that product for a spin around the old moathouse near the Village of Hommlet. I selected some of the
unique characters from FHC that demonstrate the flexibility of the system and hopefully we will end up with a really fun combination. The event is slated for 2 hours, so join us if you can. 
You can also check out the
2-page intro to Fantasy Hero to get a sense of the rules as well.